two years have passed

I remember that day 911 2001.

 I was watching TV news show. Suddenly the picture turnd and showed towers. One was burned and an anchorperson said "An airplane struck into WTC in NewYork. We have no idea this is an accident or not." I was much surprised. But a little later second airplane struck into next tower.
 It gave me the shivers. The WW3 might started I thougt. But It was groundless.

 I pray for the repose of soul of vinctims of 911. But at the sametime, I pray for the repose of soul of victims in Afghanistan and Iraq. Larger nunmbers of victims are there.

 I want to say a only thing. There isn't any absolute justice.

 To bihave depend on justice of one side couse only many victims and settle nothing. If you realy want to settle problems, you have to think about why the problems arose.

 I pray the peace of the world.